Open Tools and Repositories

The utility of open goes far beyond OER, both for students and educators. Open resources are something of a salve for the largely paywalled experience of a lot of EdTech tools.

Zotero for citation management.

The OWL at Purdue University is the most comprehensive open writing support resource on the web.

Digital libraries and archives are a great foundation for assignment design and student primary research. The Open Education Database keeps an up-to-date list.

For creative projects, it can be helpful to know where to go for freely-usable images and music.

Open access research repositories are available in the sciences, social sciences, humanities, and more. Jurn is a search engine that crawls these repositories and other OA sources. Unpaywall is a browser extension that does the same.

(And an unsolicited plug for our own Open Repository, TRUSpace. Are you placing your preprints and research materials in our open repository? You should!)